Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Daily Dose of Imagery

For some time, I've been meaning to highlight Sam Javanrouh's photo blog, Daily Dose of Imagery. I've become quite the fan, and I make it a point to visit every day to check out each new photo. If I'm away from my computer, I make sure to check the entries for the days I've missed. Javanrouh seems to do quite a bit of traveling, so you'll see shots from many different cities around the world included on his site. (Yesterday's photo from Rome, for example, is a stunner.) But he makes his home in Toronto, so that city is represented particularly well. For example, check out this fun composition (be sure to wait for the second box on the page to load and then move your mouse across it). And since something like this is pretty foreign to me, living down here in the deep South, I'm fond of these two shots of Nathan Phillips Square. I'm also drawn to his various photos of cafés, including these two of the Balzac. But I'm only scratching the surface. The archives page is a treasure trove. Enjoy!

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