Thursday, April 05, 2007

Athens Stories, Part 1

My late grandmother Rosanna lived in Athens, Tennessee, and she told some terrific stories about my family, the house she lived in, and various people in the town. My sister and I have always said we needed to get these stories down before we forget them. We'll see how this goes. I'll start with a little story from my family's history.

My aunt (one of my grandmother's three children) and uncle had an unhappy marriage. She was a lovely young woman who was a teacher, and he was an ex-serviceman who must have been quite the charmer. Family lore says he spent a mere matter of days in the military before getting discharged with a heart condition—something everybody always says he faked. I'm not really sure how you fake a heart condition, but I've heard he was a master malingerer.

Anyway, they met on a street corner—a day my saintly grandmother described as being one of the darkest days of her life. They married, and he proceeded to lie around the house while my aunt went to work to support him and, eventually, their two kids. This ne'er-do-well was, reportedly, a great cook—he held down a job as a chef for a few months at a swanky club in Athens. But that didn't last, so he turned to other endeavors, including spending my aunt's paycheck on western wear; as the story goes, he blew $500 on cowboy boots and other accoutrements.

One day, he was lying in bed as usual, and my aunt had gone off to work. My elderly great-grandfather, a former Baptist preacher, decided he agreed with the book of Proverbs—that if you spared the rod, you would spoil the child. Apparently, this line of thought extended to in-laws who were all grown up. So he broke off a branch from a tree, went into my uncle's house and then into the bedroom, where he proceeded to dole out some punishment to the Slumbering One.

The end.



At 9:17 PM, April 05, 2007, Blogger Doug said...

What a great story, Diane. Did the thrashing help?

At 10:06 PM, April 05, 2007, Blogger John Adair said...

Holy smokes! That's funny! I'm with Doug - did it change the guy?

At 8:54 AM, April 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do more of these

At 10:00 AM, April 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! That's so classic. I don't think we've ever had one family member take a switch to another (at least not a grown one), but there are some good ones in our history too.

Definitely share more of these -- it helps with the homesickness!

At 10:31 AM, April 06, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

I don't think my uncle really changed his behavior toward others until quite late in his life, after he really did become ill (ah, I still remember him puffing on cigarettes while hooked up to an oxygen tank). My aunt defended him until the very end—no matter how he treated her. She was angry with my great-grandfather over this, but I'm sure the old man still got some satisfaction out of it.

At 11:29 AM, April 10, 2007, Blogger Aaron White said...

Great story, Diane! Fer goshsakes keep sharin'.

At 2:28 PM, April 10, 2007, Blogger Doug said...

So when do we get Part 2? ;)

At 4:00 PM, April 10, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone. Hopefully I can get a second installment up before long.

At 11:31 AM, April 13, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

OK, I'm hoping to get another story up early next week, depending on when I can chat with my sister (to refresh my memory) and grab some time at work.

Also, the Alabama Theater is almost ready to finally release the runoff ballot for the summer film series. I know everyone has been holding their breath like I have.

At 12:05 PM, April 13, 2007, Blogger Doug said...

Actually, I have!

At 9:28 AM, April 14, 2007, Blogger sdfgsdfg said...

Great story, Diane. The coffee came flying out with my LOL.

At 9:01 AM, April 16, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

I wonder why the people at the Alabama Theater insist on making a liar out of me. Apparently, there will not be a runoff vote; all the site says now is that they will post the final results and film schedule soon. Huh.

At 9:01 AM, April 16, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:33 PM, April 17, 2007, Blogger Diane said...

Stef, also please see my O'Connor comment for you below.

I've started the second Athens story. Work is rough today, though.


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